Our Mission
To leverage the benefits of co-operation to ensure our members have the best and most sustainable route to market.
Our vision
A cohesive sustainable and influential group of growers who enjoy both a reputation for high quality and high environmental and ethical standards.
Our values
Berry Gardens Growers Ltd grows healthy, delicious berries and stone fruit. We believe our product to be world-beating and are committed to keeping it this way.
British season
While the traditional British summer fruit season historically lasted for around eight weeks (July and August), genetic and other technological advancements, married with the skill of our growers has resulted in the UK season now stretching from March/April to November.
Our growers lead the British soft-fruit industry when it comes to innovation; a role which manifests in several ways.
These include:
Robots which treat disease with UV light rather than pesticides on trial at Clock House Farm
We are investigating the viability of growing and propagating strawberries in vertical farms.
The list of sustainable practices employed across our growers’ farms is a long one, and includes:
Bumblebees pollinate strawberry flowers
Worker welfare
Our growers welcome fruit-pickers from around the world each year, many returning season after season. Our growers highly value these workers and they are committed to providing high standards of accommodation and worker welfare which is managed by individual Members on a farm-by-farm basis.
Staff welfare remains a key priority for BGG’s Management Team.
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